A message from Mr. George
Hi! My name is Mr. George Miserlis. The students call me "Mr. George." The students who want to score real brownie points call me "Mr. Miserlis," and they pronounce my last name flawlessly (Mister Mah-ZUR-liss). My friends call me "George." But, my really close friends call me, "Georgie," and if your from back east, you call me, "Jaawge." But, if all else fails, just treat me with Value 3!
Now, if you notice that some of our Special Education team don't have a bio like our illustrious Coordinator, or if they haven't written anything about themselves...well, that's because they're in Special Education, and we have to treat them with respect.
All kidding aside, within Everest Value School's Special Education Department, we truly care, we teach you strategies you never thought possible, we bring a smile, and we're a place of learning. Are you ready to learn?
Mr. George
Resource Specialist Department Chair